‘Very close and very far’ (www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DLAA8wE24w), 2010,
YouTube video, 3 minutes.
Related work:
‘In and Out’, 2002-2003, interactive installation, monitor, dvd, dvd player, remote control, silent, unlimited duration.
‘Black Hole’, 2002, projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, unlimited duration.
‘Cousins’, 1998, monitor, dvd, dvd player, silent, loop.
‘O-S-G [O-B-P]’, 1997-1998, 3 projectors, 3 dvd, dvd players, stereo amplifiers and speakers, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling, loop (20 minutes).