Dike Blair
Catherine Francblin
Jill Gasparina
Michel Gauthier
Laure Jaumouillé (interview)
Marie Muracciole
Frédéric Paul
François Piron
David Platzker
Katy Siegel and Paul Mattick
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Claude Closky, ‘In and Out’, 2002-2003, interactive installation, monitor, dvd, dvd player, remote control, silent, unlimited duration. Installation view FR66, Paris. 18 March - 18 September 2003. Curated by Maryline & Corinne Brustolin

‘In and Out’, 2002-2003,
interactive installation, monitor, dvd, dvd player, remote control, silent, unlimited duration.
installation view FR66, Paris. 18 March – 18 September 2003. Curated by Maryline & Corinne Brustolin.

Claude Closky, ‘Entrer ou sortir [Going In or Going Out]’, 2001, interactive web flyer, Flash (http://www.sittes.net/entrer_ou_sortir).

‘Entrer ou sortir [Going In or Going Out]’ (www.sittes.net/entrer_ou_sortir), 2001,
interactive web flyer, Flash.

Related work:

‘Very close and very far’, 2010, YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DLAA8wE24w), 3 minutes.

‘Please’, 2000, interactive web flyer, Flash (http://search.it.online.fr/mirror/ClaudeClosky/FracLR/Please/).

‘Faster’, 2000, interactive web site, Flash (http://www.sittes.net/plusvite).

‘Ici’, 1999, CD-Rom for Macintosh & PC.