‘Construction’, 2009,
flat screen, computer, 1280 x 720 px image, unlimited duration.
Exhibition view ‘(İstanbul) Transit-Topos’, Akbank Sanat, Istanbul. 26 May – 3 July 2010. Curated by Ali Akay..
Related work:
‘Down to the basis,’ 2011, interactive web site, Javascript (http://sittes.net/basis/).
‘Untitled (1,500 friezes),’ 1992, blue ballpoint pen on grid paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Folding,’ 1990, paper, 10 x 21 x 29,7 cm.
‘All the ways to close a cardboard box,’ 1989, 16 cardboard boxes, 50 x 500 x 800 cm.