‘All the ways to close a cardboard box,’ 1989,
16 cardboard boxes, 50 x 500 x 800 cm.
Exhibition views: ‘Claude Closky, Jean-Jacques Rullier, Xavier Veilhan’, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris, 1992, curated by Jennifer Flay; ‘1989. The End of the 20th Century,’ IVAM, Valancia, 2019, curated by Sandra Moros.
Related work:
‘Loto’, 2004-2008, printed matter, black ball point pen, 124 x 1680 cm.
‘Folding’, 1990, paper, 10 x 21 x 29,7 cm.
‘5 squares’, 1989, laser print on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
External resources:
Jérôme, ‘Fiche N°1 : Claude Closky,’ internet: Art at Home, June 2008.