‘Full Flavored’, 1998-2000,
projector, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, loop.
Exhibition view ‘The sky is the limit, 2000 Taipei Biennale’, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei. 9 September 2000 – 7 January 2001. Curated by Jérôme Sans, Manray Hsu.
‘Fruité [Fruity]’, 1998,
projector, dvd, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling, loop (8 minutes).
Exhibition view ‘Les aoûtiens’, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris. 10 September – 28 October 1998.
Related work:
‘Truthful Elevator,’ 2018, video installation, wall to wall projection, stereo sound, unlimited duration.
‘Black Hole,’ 2002, projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling projection, unlimited duration.
‘[Full Flavored],’ 2001, web site, Html (http://www.sittes.net/fullflavored).
‘Fine Leather,’ 1998-2000, projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, unlimited duration.
‘New-Authentic (Nouveau-Authentique),’ 1999, 9 banners hung on Rivoli street, Paris, 300 x 100 cm each.
‘Forward,’ 1995, projector, dvd, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, loop (7 minutes). Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine (s-g,g), Geneva.
External resources:
‘The sky is the limit, 2000 Taipei Biennale’, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei. 9 September 2000 – 7 January 2001. Curated by Jérôme Sans, Manray Hsu.