‘New-Authentic (Nouveau-Authentique),’ 1999,
9 banners hung on Rivoli street, Paris, 300 x 100 cm each.
Installation view on Rivoli Street, Paris, 1999.
Related work:
‘Renouveau [revival],’ 2018, pop-up installation, black white photocopy, variable dimensions.
‘Charades,’ 2020, street windows, adhesive color vinyl, dimensions variable.
‘Rire/Emotion [Laugh/Emotion],’ 2001, Association des Amis & bookshop of the Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris advertisement campaign on subway billboards in Paris. Color silkscreen, 150 x 200 cm.
‘Full Flavored,’ 1998-2000, projector, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, loop.
‘Forêt de pins ou terrain de rugby ? [Pine Forest or Rugbyfield?],’ 1995, collage, dimensions variable.