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Claude Closky, ‘Midnight dip’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 39 x 685 cm (26 sheets 35 x 25,5 cm). ‘Rumba & baba au rhum’, Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris. 30 November 2012 - 2 February 2013. Curated by Laurent Godin

Claude Closky, ‘Midnight dip’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 39 x 685 cm (26 sheets 35 x 25,5 cm).

‘Midnight dip’, 1998,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 39 x 685 cm (26 sheets 35 x 25,5 cm).
Exhibition view ‘Rumba & baba au rhum’, Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris. 30 November 2012 – 2 February 2013. Curated by Laurent Godin.

Claude Closky, ‘Midnight dip’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 145 x 320 cm (48 sheets 35 x 25,5 cm).

‘Midnight dip’, 1998,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 145 x 320 cm (48 sheets 35 x 25,5 cm).

Claude Closky, ‘Midnight dip (La City 1)’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 51 x 70 cm.

‘Midnight dip (La City 1)’, 1998,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 51 x 70 cm.

Related work:

‘Town and Country’, 2009, collage and ball-point pen on paper, 30 x 21 cm each.

‘Match de foot entre amis 1 [Soccer Match Among Friends 1]’, 1998, green ballpoint pen and collage on cardboard, 60 x 80 cm.

‘La skieuse [The Skier]’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

‘Fines de claire oysters’, 1998, Indian ink and collage on paper, 287 x 1 059 cm (320 collages 35 x 25,5 cm each).

‘August holiday’, 1997-1998, projector, computer, silent, dimensions variable, loop (50 minutes).

External resources:

Benoît Blanchard, ‘Rumba & baba au rhum ’, Internet: Œuvres, Barres obliques editions, December 2012.