Dike Blair
Catherine Francblin
Jill Gasparina
Michel Gauthier
Laure Jaumouillé (interview)
Marie Muracciole
Frédéric Paul
François Piron
David Platzker
Katy Siegel and Paul Mattick
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Claude Closky, ‘La skieuse [The Skier]’, 1998, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

‘La skieuse [The Skier]’, 1998,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘La garagiste [Garage Mechanic]’, 2001, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

‘La garagiste [Garage Mechanic]’, 2001,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘La mangeuse de poisson [The fish eater]’, 1999, black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

‘La mangeuse de poisson [The fish eater]’, 1999,
black ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 40 x 30 cm.

Related work:

‘Venice Biennial’, 2003, web site, Jpg (http://lepluslegerdpi.free.fr/saisonun/closkyun.htm), 4 pages.

‘Stagiaires dans une galerie d’art [Art gallery assistants] 2’, 1998, ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.

‘Ma voisine d’en face [The woman across the road]’, 1996, ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 27.4 x 52.3 cm.