‘Hammer Price’ (sittes.net /hammerprice /), 2019,
interactive web site, Php, Javascript.
Exhibition view ‘To Martian Anthropologists,’ New Taipei City Arts Center, 2020. Curated by Chun-Yi Chang.
Related work:
‘Words of Value Dictionary,’ 2011, web site, Html (https://www.closky.info/dictionary).
‘Pick & Hammer,’ 2015, Brussels: MFC-Michèle Didier. color digital print, 302 pages, 20,5 x 13,5 cm.
‘4,’ 2008, Paris: BC magazine no. 2 (spring), p. 39 & 77.
‘From 1 to 1,000 francs,’ 1993, collage on glass, 140 x 1350 cm.