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Claude Closky, ‘My people (followed by biennials),’ 2008-2009, Marseilles: Al Dante Publishing (English and French separate editions). Offset, 96 pages, 21 x 14,5 cm.
Claude Closky, ‘My people (followed by biennials),’ 2008-2009, Marseilles: Al Dante Publishing (English and French separate editions). Offset, 96 pages, 21 x 14,5 cm.
Claude Closky, ‘My people (followed by biennials),’ 2008-2009, Marseilles: Al Dante Publishing (English and French separate editions). Offset, 96 pages, 21 x 14,5 cm.

‘My people (followed by biennials),’ 2008-2009,
Marseilles: Al Dante Publishing (English and French separate editions). Offset, 96 pages, 21 x 14,5 cm.

Related work:

Claude Closky, ‘Deux mille vingt-deux [Two Thousand and Twenty-Two],’ 2021, Saint-Yrieix: Cdla. Offset print, 24 pages, 21 x 15 cm.‘Deux mille vingt-deux [Two Thousand and Twenty-Two],’ 2021, Saint-Yrieix: Cdla. Offset print, 24 pages, 21 x 15 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Solutions,’ 2019, Pantin: Cneai. Offset printing, 120 pages, 18 x 11 cm.‘Solutions,’ 2019, Pantin: Cneai. Offset printing, 120 pages, 18 x 11 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Tweets From Beyond,’ 2012, Internet, Twitter account (https://twitter.com/ClaudeClosky/following).‘Tweets From Beyond,’ 2012, Internet, Twitter account (https://twitter.com/ClaudeClosky/following).

Claude Closky, ‘Men & Women,’ 2005, interactive web site, Php, jpg (http://www.sittes.net/men&women).‘Men & Women,’ 2005, interactive web site, Php, jpg (http://www.sittes.net/men&women).

Claude Closky, ‘Journal intime [Diary],’ 1999, Paris: Les Inrockuptibles no. 214 (September 29th). For the ‘The guest’s week’ column, p. 12.‘Journal intime [Diary],’ 1999, Paris: Les Inrockuptibles no. 214 (September 29th). For the ‘The guest’s week’ column, p. 12.

Claude Closky, ‘Untitled (Marabout),’ 1995-1997, Artist’s edition. Wallpaper. Silkscreen, 200 x 150 cm, dimensions variable.‘Untitled (Marabout),’ 1995-1997, Artist’s edition. Wallpaper. Silkscreen, 200 x 150 cm, dimensions variable.

Claude Closky, ‘8872 people I don’t know in Dole,’ 1993, ballpoint pen on paper, 100 x 1000 cm.‘8872 people I don’t know in Dole,’ 1993, ballpoint pen on paper, 100 x 1000 cm.

External resources:

‘Les Miens suivi de Biennales,’ in ‘Sans niveau ni mètre, Cabinet du livre d’artiste,’ Rennes: Université Rennes 2, January 2014.

Pascale Casanova, ‘Les miens,’ in ‘Silhouettes, pastiches et listes ,’ Paris: France Culture, 23 May 2010.

Johan Velter, ‘wit (5): claude closky,’ in ‘sfcdt’s posterous,’ Internet: sfcdt, April 2010.

‘Faces à Faces : Closky, Eco & Co : Récréations,’ readings and texts by Nanni Balestrini, Claude Closky, Umberto Eco, Donatienne Michel-Dansac, Louvre Auditorium, Paris. 13 November 2009. Invited by Umberto Eco, Marie-Laure Bernadac, Marcella Lista.

‘My people (followed by biennials) / Les miens (suivi de Biennales),’ Marseilles: Al Dante Publishing (English and French separate editions), October 2009, 96 pages.