‘Nice / Monaco by the Low Cliff Road in 2 Minutes 57 Secondes 9 Tenth’, 1996,
projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 2 minutes 57 secondes.
Exhibition view ‘Phyllis Baldino, Claude Closky, Jérôme Leuba, Yves Levasseur’, Forde, Genève. 23 January – 16 February 1997. Curated by Emmanuel Grandjean.
‘A Ride Out of Town’, 1997,
projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 3 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.
Exhibition view ‘Seen with the head leaning to the left and leaning to the right’, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya. 22 November 1997 – 3 January 1998. Curated by Dalia Levine, Frédéric Paul.
‘A ride in the mountains’, 1997,
projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.
‘A ride in the countryside’, 1997,
projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.
Related work:
External resources:
‘Around Paris on the Ringroad in 2 Minutes 31 Secondes (1996),’ New York: UbuWeb, April 2017.
‘Paris – Bures-sur-Yvette in 2 Minutes 22 Secondes 7 Tenth (1996),’ New York: UbuWeb, April 2017.