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Claude Closky, ‘Nice / Monaco by the Low Cliff Road in 2 Minutes 57 Secondes 9 Tenth’, 1996, projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 2 minutes 57 secondes. Exhibition view ‘Phyllis Baldino, Claude Closky, Jérôme Leuba, Yves Levasseur’, Forde, Genève. 23 January - 16 February 1997. Curated by Emmanuel Grandjean

‘Nice / Monaco by the Low Cliff Road in 2 Minutes 57 Secondes 9 Tenth’, 1996,
projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 2 minutes 57 secondes.
Exhibition view ‘Phyllis Baldino, Claude Closky, Jérôme Leuba, Yves Levasseur’, Forde, Genève. 23 January – 16 February 1997. Curated by Emmanuel Grandjean.

Claude Closky, ‘A Ride Out of Town’, 1997, projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 3 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève. Exhibition view ‘Seen with the head leaning to the left and leaning to the right’, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya. 22 November 1997 - 3 January 1998. Curated by Dalia Levine, Frédéric Paul

‘A Ride Out of Town’, 1997,
projector, stereo amplifier and speakers, dvd, dvd player, dimensions variable, 3 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.
Exhibition view ‘Seen with the head leaning to the left and leaning to the right’, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya. 22 November 1997 – 3 January 1998. Curated by Dalia Levine, Frédéric Paul.

Claude Closky, ‘A ride in the mountains’, 1997, projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.

‘A ride in the mountains’, 1997,
projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.

Claude Closky, ‘A ride in the countryside’, 1997, projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.

‘A ride in the countryside’, 1997,
projector, dvd, dvd player, stereo amplifier and speakers, 4 minutes. Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine Saint-Gervais, Genève.

Related work:

Claude Closky, ‘Premonitory visions of the games of 1998 soccer World Cup (France VS Brasil)’, 1997, giant screen TV set, dvd, dvd player, stereo sound, 57 minutes.‘Premonitory visions of the games of 1998 soccer World Cup (France VS Brasil)’, 1997, giant screen TV set, dvd, dvd player, stereo sound, 57 minutes.

Claude Closky, ‘Forward’, 1995, projector, dvd, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, loop (7 minutes). Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine (s-g,g), Geneva.‘Forward’, 1995, projector, dvd, dvd player, silent, wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling projection, loop (7 minutes). Coproduction Centre pour l’image contemporaine (s-g,g), Geneva.

External resources:

‘Around Paris on the Ringroad in 2 Minutes 31 Secondes (1996),’ New York: UbuWeb, April 2017.

‘Paris – Bures-sur-Yvette in 2 Minutes 22 Secondes 7 Tenth (1996),’ New York: UbuWeb, April 2017.
