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Claude Closky, ‘Un ver coupé en deux [Worm cut in two]’, 1996, blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Un ver coupé en deux [Worm cut in two]’, 1996,
blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Ver coupé en cinq [Worm cut in five]’, 1996, blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Ver coupé en cinq [Worm cut in five]’, 1996,
blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Un ver coupé en huit [Worm cut in eight]’, 1996, blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Un ver coupé en huit [Worm cut in eight]’, 1996,
blue ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Related work:

‘Labyrinthe [labyrinth]’, 1994, ballpoint pen on grid paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Une araignée avec 4 pattes [a spider with 4 legs]’, 1994, black ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.