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Claude Closky, ‘Mieux que rien [better than nothing]’, 1995, ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Mieux que rien [better than nothing]’, 1995,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Mieux que rien [better than nothing]’, 1995, ball-point pen and collage on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘Mieux que rien [better than nothing]’, 1995, ball-point pen and collage on paper, 30 x 24 cm. Exhibition view '+1', Ecole Supérieur d'Art du Havre (ESAH), Le Havre. 12 March - 15 April 2009. Curator: Jean-Noël, Lafargue.

‘Mieux que rien [better than nothing]’, 1995,
ball-point pen and collage on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
Exhibition view ‘+1’, Ecole Supérieur d’Art du Havre (ESAH), Le Havre. 12 March – 15 April 2009. Curator: Jean-Noël Lafargue.

Related work:

‘No. 1 Celebration’, 2006, insert in Pierre Huyghe’s ‘One Year’, Paris: Onestar Press, double page, 29,7 x 21 cm.

‘1-2’, 2004, flat screen, DVD player, loop.

‘+1’, 2000, projector, computer, table, mouse, permanent Internet connexion (http://www.sittes.net/indice), dimensions variable, unlimited duration.

‘Vaisselle propre [Clean Dishes]’, 1996, collage and blue ballpoint pen on paper, 70 x 51 cm.

‘Untitled (ones)’, 1991, ballpoint pen on sketch pad, 200 pages, 21 x 15 cm.

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