‘聋子对话 [Deaf Man’s Dialogue – Dialogue de sourds],’ 2024,
新华艺术便民服务 [Xinhua Art Service]. Color digital print, 4 posters 60 x 67.
@ 新华路 609 号, 上海市 – 609 Xinhua Road, Shanghai
Related work:
‘Direct Messages,’ 2019, installation, 5 smartphones, wallpaper, power cables. Processing program by Jean-Noël Lafargue, 300 x 750 cm, unlimited duration.
‘Notification,’ 2018, 7 pads, 40 usb power cables for smartphones and pads available to the public, color wallpaper pasted on the room walls, 280 x 1332 x 1122 cm, unlimited duration. Processing program by Jean-Noël Lafargue.
‘like4like,’ 2021, installation, 10 pads with detachable paper sheet for the public, black and white print, adhesive tape, dimensions variable.
‘Fake News,’ 2018, interactive web site, Php, Svg (https://www.closky.info/fakenews/).
‘Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down,’ 1998, projector, computer, silent, dimensions variable, loop (30 minutes).