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Claude Closky, ‘16 feuilles de papier format A4 [16 sheet of paper size A4]’, 1991, ballpoint pen on paper, 150 x 100 cm. Exhibition view Hôpital Ephémère, Paris. 25 May - 23 June 1991. Curated by Caroline Andrieux

‘16 feuilles de papier format A4 [16 sheet of paper size A4]’, 1991,
ballpoint pen on kraft paper, 150 x 100 cm.
Exhibition view Hôpital Ephémère, Paris. 25 May – 23 June 1991. Curated by Caroline Andrieux.


Claude Closky, ‘Six étiquettes [Six label]’, 1991, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Six étiquettes [Six label]’, 1991,
ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

Related work:

‘Mise à Plat’, 2012, Paris: Oscillations, No 1, pp. 37-40.

‘Pages 33-34’, 2008, Strasbourg: Livraison #11, pp. 32-35.

‘Project room’, 2003, black ballpoint pen on paper, 35 x 25, 5 cm.

‘Une feuille de papier blanche [a white sheet of paper]’, 1990, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.

‘Collage’, 1990, tape and ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.