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Claude Closky, ‘10 jours pour effacer 10 ans [10 days to erase 10 years]’, 1993-1996, collage, 210 x 612 cm (36 sheets 70 x 51 cm each). Exhibition view Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin. 18 January - 1 March 1997

‘10 jours pour effacer 10 ans [10 days to erase 10 years]’, 1993-1996,
collage, 210 x 612 cm (36 sheets 70 x 51 cm each).
Exhibition view Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin. 18 January – 1 March 1997.

Related work:

Claude Closky, ‘Le même en plus gros [the same, bigger (Fruition Extra)]’, 1996, blue ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.‘Le même en plus gros [the same, bigger (Fruition Extra)]’, 1996, blue ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘A 1000 things to do’, 1995-1996, collage, 201 x 832 cm.‘A 1000 things to do’, 1995-1996, collage, 201 x 832 cm.

Claude Closky, ‘From 1 to 1,000 francs’, 1993, collage on glass, 140 x 1350 cm.‘From 1 to 1,000 francs’, 1993, collage on glass, 140 x 1350 cm.