‘Childhood memories’, 1998-1999,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 15 collages 60 x 80 cm.
‘Le boucher nous offrait de la viande [The butcher gave us meat]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Le week-end, mon père tondait le gazon pendant que je jouais avec mes amies dans le jardin [At the weekend, my father mowed the grass when I was playing with my friends in the garden]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Lorsqu’il faisait trop froid pour jouer dehors j’invitais mes voisines à la maison pour regarder Casimir à la télévision [When it was too cold to play outside I invited my neighbours to watch Casimir on TV]’, 1998-1999,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Ma mère allait au marché faire ses courses [My mother went to the market…]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Ma mère ramassait les coquillages [my mother would pick up sea shells]’, 1998-1999,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘En vacances, ma mère aimait se promener à la plage avant dîner [on holidays, my mother enjoyed walking at the beach before diner]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Ma mère se déguisait en Père Noël [My mother disguised herself in Santa Claus]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Mes parents m’ont inscrit à un club de voile en Bretagne [My parents…]’, 1998-1999,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Je savais déjà nager avant d’avoir un an [I knew how to swimming before I was one year]’, 1998-1999,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Je devais ranger ma chambre tous les soirs [I had to clean my room every evening]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘Ma mère allait au marché faire ses courses [My mother went to the market…]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm.
‘A Pâques, j’accompagnais mon oncle pêcher la truite [At Easter, I went fishing with my uncle]’, 1998,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 60 x 80 cm. (destroyed)
‘A Noël, ma mère se déguise en Père Noël [At Christmas, my mother dresses up as Santa Claus]’, 1998-2000,
ballpoint pen and collage on paper, 35 x 25,5 cm.
‘A Noël, ma mère se déguise en Père Noël [At Christmas my mother dresses up as Santa Claus],’ 2000,
December. Paris: Les cahiers du Musée National d’Art Moderne, cover.
Related work:
‘To die at 10h08’, 2009, collage and ball-point pen on paper, 30 x 21 cm.
‘Souvenirs adolescents [Teenage memories]’, 2000, August. Paris: Les Inrockuptibles no. 252, p. 68.
‘Family Snapshot 10’, 1993, collage, plastic frame, 24 x 18 cm.