‘Un cul qui ressemble à un 3 et un 2 [an ass which looks like a 3 and a 2]’, 1993,
ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
Related work:
‘Three’, 2008, black ballpoint on paper, 40 x 30 cm.
‘Foreplay’, 2001, interactive web flyer, Html (http://www.sittes.net/foreplay).
‘Un dessin qui ressemble à un V à l’envers [a drawing that resembles an upside-down V]’, 1994, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Un ‘e’ qui ressemble plus à un ‘l’ qu’à un ‘e’ [An ‘e’ which looks more like an ‘l’ than an ‘e’]’, 1991, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Un numéro de téléphone et une plaque d’imatriculation qui se ressemblent [a telephone number and a license plate that look alike]’, 1991, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x24 cm.