Dike Blair
Catherine Francblin
Jill Gasparina
Michel Gauthier
Laure Jaumouillé (interview)
Marie Muracciole
Frédéric Paul
François Piron
David Platzker
Katy Siegel and Paul Mattick
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Claude Closky, ‘Diners’, 2002, video installation, computer, two projectors, two monitors, stereo amplifier and speakers, dimensions variable, unlimited duration.

‘Diners’, 2002,
video installation, computer, two projectors, two monitors, stereo amplifier and speakers, dimensions variable, unlimited duration.

Claude Closky, ‘The diners’, 2002, Pau: Le Parvis, Centre d’art contemporain, invitation card, color offset, 40 x 60 cm.
Claude Closky, ‘The diners’, 2002, Pau: Le Parvis, Centre d’art contemporain, invitation card, color offset, 40 x 60 cm.

‘The diners’, 2002,
Pau: Le Parvis, Centre d’art contemporain, invitation card, color offset, 40 x 60 cm.

Related work:

Claude Closky, ‘Strawberry pies,’ 2021, interactive website (https://www.sittes.net/strawberrypies).‘Strawberry pies,’ 2021, interactive website (https://www.sittes.net/strawberrypies).

Claude Closky, ‘Vowel,’ 2012, 7 inch pad, program, stereo sound, unlimited duration.‘Vowel,’ 2012, 7 inch pad, program, stereo sound, unlimited duration.

Claude Closky, ‘Divisions,’ 2005, 3 flat 16/9 screen, 3 computers, silent, dimensions variable, unlimited duration.‘Divisions,’ 2005, 3 flat 16/9 screen, 3 computers, silent, dimensions variable, unlimited duration.

Claude Closky, ‘Arcade,’ 2003, stratified wood, monitor, computer, speakers, mouse, 200 x 80 x 100 cm. Coproduction La salle de bains - Noël Solutions.‘Arcade,’ 2003, stratified wood, monitor, computer, speakers, mouse, 200 x 80 x 100 cm. Coproduction La salle de bains – Noël Solutions.

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