‘Quelques cheveux [a few strands or hair]’, 1991,
ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Cheveux bruns [dark hair]’, 1996,
black ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
Related work:
‘Le sommet du Pic du Midi [The summit of Pic du Midi]’, 1995, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Un poil et un cheveu [body hair and hair]’, 1993, black ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Quelques grains de beauté [a few beauty marks]’, 1990, ballpoint pen on paper, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Quelques lignes horizontales [A few horizontal lines]’, 1989, laser print on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.