‘Love and Fear’, 2007,
22 flat screens, stereo amplifier & speakers, computer, dimensions variable, unlimited duration.
Exhibition view ‘Love and Fear’, Concert Hall, Threshold Artspace, Perth. 12 May – 12 October 2007. Curated by Iliyana Nedkova.
Related work:
‘Illumination’, 2008, 20 collages (30 x 21 cm), electric system, variable dimensions.
‘Revolution’, 2006, electronic led sign, red diodes, computer, 28 x 118 x 10 cm, unlimited duration.
External resources:
‘Claude Closky, Horsecross’, New York: e-flux, 2007.
Iliyana Nedkova, ‘Love, Lust and Fear’, in ‘Read More’, Perth: Horsecross Arts Ltd, 2007, 6 pages.