‘Les 1000 premiers nombres classés par ordre alphabétique [the First Thousand Numbers Classified in Alphabetical Order]’, 1989,
artist’s publication, b&w photocopy, 12 pages, 21 x 15 cm.
‘The first thousand numbers classified in alphabetical order’, 1989-1992,
artist’s publication, b&w photocopy, 16 pages, 21 x 15 cm.
Related work:
‘Zéro pour cent de matière grasse [0% Fat]’, 1991, Paris: Dare Dare, 52 pages, 21 x 15 cm.
‘The 365 days of 1991 classified by size’, 1991-1992, artist’s publication, b&w photocopy, 16 pages, 21 x 15 cm.
‘Les chiffres au féminin [numbers in the feminine]’, 1990, ballpoint pen on bromide print, 30 x 24 cm.
‘Classification par ordre alphabétique [Classification in alphabetical order] (’Le temps retrouvé’)’, 1989, laser print on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
‘Les dix premiers nombres classés par ordre alphabétique (version anglaise) [the first ten numbers classified in alphabetical order (english version)]’, 1989, laser print on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm.
External resources:
‘Anthology of Conceptual Writing’, New York: UbuWeb, May 2003.
Paal Bjelke Andersen, ‘Claude Closky: De første tusen tallene kategorisert i alfabetisk rekkefølge’, Oslo: Forlaget Attåt, August 2009.
Nick Montfort, ‘The First M Numbers…’, Cambridge: http://nickm.com/poems, January 2013.
David Pierce, ‘Alfabe sırasına göre sınıflanmış ilk bin sayı’, in ‘Poetry in Turkish’, Instanbul: Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, December 2014.
Swänska Sfinxen, ‘Claude Closky – De första tusen talen i alfabetisk ordning,’ Internet: sfinxen.monster, March 2021.